we’re BUILDING a culture of civic engagement in the LGBTQIA+ community.

Every election is the most important election of our lifetimes, because elections determine the future of what our government will look like. OutVote comes from this belief that LGBTQIA+ people must be an engaged part of the political process to build power and fight back against those seeking to attack our human rights.

We are committed to registering and mobilizing LGBTQIA+ voters, partnering with LGBTQIA+ organizations and professionals on voter registration and mobilization efforts, and improving data collection for our communities. While OutVote eventually hopes to expand nationwide, our pilot launch for the 2024 election cycle will focus on the area where we believe we can have the highest impact in a limited timeframe: young queer and trans college students.

here’s how we’re doing that work:

We’re mobilizing our community by:

Registering eligible voters where they’re at: gay bars, centers for diversity and inclusion, LGBTQIA+ student groups, and Pride events.

Training a cohort of LGBTQIA+ leaders by hosting our flagship outvote fellowship, funding leaders in Arizona and Pennsylvania.

Building a community on social media to share critical information for voting, elections, and civic participation.

our team






camille serrano

Meet our advisory board

Corryn freeman

kevin jennings

ceo, lambda legal; founder, glsen

executive director, future coalition

ava mateo

jorge valencia

president, 18by.vote

executive director & CEO, point foundation

jackie corin

jackson block

co-founder and ceo, lgbt+ vc

co-founder, march for our lives

mitch draizin


award-winning author; former treasurer, dnc

president, concordia philanthropic fund

timothy warmath

community service leader, activist

lyle matthew kan

ceo, asian americans/pacific islanders in philanthropy