
OutVote is building a youth-led culture of LGBTQIA+ civic engagement to create electoral power, protect our community, and elect leaders who reflect the diversity of our nation

We’re training LGBTQIA+ students and community members to register, mobilize, and engage their communities for 2024 and beyond.

the lgbtqia+ community is a critical voting bloc: we need to make sure our community turns out in 2024 and beyond.

Research shows that LGBTQIA+ voters:

Are a growing voter base: 1 in 10 millennials and almost 1 in 3 members of Gen Z identify as LGBTQIA+. Together, young people constitute the largest voter bloc which have the potential to play a critical role in future U.S. elections.

Elect leaders who represent the diversity of our nation: The Williams Institute’s 2020 analysis on LGBT voters found that we are 13% more likely to support Black candidates and 19% more likely to support Latine candidates compared to non-LGBT voters. LGBT voters are also 3.5x more likely to support a lesbian candidate, 4x more likely to support a gay candidate, and over 3x more likely to support a transgender or gender-expansive candidate for office.

at a time of escalating attacks against lgbtqia+ rights and equality, building our electoral and political power has never been more important.

This link is to make 501(c)4 contributions. want to make a 501(c)3 donation? Email us at team@outvotehq.org for more information.

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